Thursday, February 20, 2014

The First Scary Story I Ever Heard

I've been bored at work a lot lately. A LOT. So this leads to me having really bizarre trains of thought. Last night at work, I got to thinking of the first "scary story" I ever heard. Honestly, it could not have been the first scary story I ever heard. I always liked reading ghost stories and I always liked watching horror movies. So I'm sure this story that I used to tell every chance I got when I was around 6 was not the first scary story ever.

What baffles me is how much this story used to scare the other kids. It's dumb. It's really dumb. If anything, it's mildly amusing. Nothing scary about it. But judge for yourself. And pretend you're somewhere around six years old so you might have a shot of enjoying it.

One night, a boy's friends dare him to go into this old, creepy house that was rumored to be haunted. Everybody always said that anybody who went inside heard voices, foretelling death. The boy, of course, didn't believe this, so he went into the creepy old house in the middle of the night, all by himself. As he was walking around, he did, in fact, hear a voice. It was high-pitched and a bit ethereal; it was difficult to make out at first, but he focused and finally heard clear as a bell "If I roll over, I will die."

The boy was terrified and ran out of the house as fast as he could. He ran all the way home. He told his older brother what he had heard. His brother rolled his eyes and didn't believe him, but agreed to go into the house with him the next night.

The following night, the two brothers went into the old, creepy house. They started looking around, walking into rooms, looking in closets, when suddenly they heard two voices. Both voices were high-pitched and difficult to make out at first, but when they really focuses, the brothers could hear the two voices chanting in unison: "If we roll over, we will die." The older brother led the way as the boys ran out of the house as fast as their legs would carry them.

The older brother told his best friend, who rolled his eyes and didn't believe the brothers. The following night, all three boys went to the old, creepy house. This night, there were three voices, all chanting in unison "If we roll over, we will die." Again, the boys ran out of the house, terrified.

The best friend told his girlfriend about what happened, and the fourth night, the group returned to the old, creepy house. The chanting was apparent as soon as they entered this time, with a fourth voice having joined the mix. "If we roll over, we will die."

The boys were ready to run, but the girlfriend said they needed to explore. The group walked further into the house, following the sound of the four voices chanting "If we roll over, we will die." The girlfriend led the boys further and further into the house. Down the hall. Up the stairs. "If we roll over, we will die" was heard louder and louder. Down the upstairs hall. "IF WE ROLL OVER, WE WILL DIE." The girlfriend stopped out of a door, where the chanting was louder and faster. "IF WE ROLL OVER, WE WILL DIE! IF WE ROLL OVER, WE WILL DIE! IF WE ROLL OVER, WE WILL DIE!"

The girlfriend burst through the door. The group saw nothing, but there was a foul stench and the chanting was even louder! "IF WE ROLL OVER, WE WILL DIE! IF WE ROLL OVER, WE WILL DIE! IF WE ROLL, WE WILL DIE!"

The girlfriend walked further into the room and then the group saw what was happening. They had entered a old, dirty bathroom. The smell was human excrement. And in the toilet were four flies, resting on a piece of shit, half-sticking out of the water. "If we roll over, we will die."

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