Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Bunny Says Go Do the Laundry!

Happy Easter, to those of you who celebrate. I don't, so I find it quite strange that I'm about to post a second Easter-related entry.

My mother is a really fun, intelligent, creative person. She loved having children, because she got to do these neat, fun, creative things. My sister, Liza, is four years older than me. One year when we very young, probably 2 and 6, my sister asked for a new radio for Easter. My mom organized a scavenger hunt. She wrote clues on index cards and hid the index cards around the house and yard.

Mom handed Liza the first card, which instructed her to go out to the see-saw. The card at the see-saw instructed her to check under her pillow. The card under her pillow sent her to the backyard again to check the tire swing. Then back inside to the bread box. Then back outside to the playhouse. Then back inside. Back outside. Inside. Outside. Liza ran back and forth for over an hour, until she got a clue that instructed her to go to the basement. The final card read "You've reached the end of the scavenger hunt. The Easter Bunny left you this present." And there was a chocolate-covered raisin, sitting on top of the card.

Liza burst into tears and started bawling, "The Easter Bunny left me a turd!"

My mom, trying to not give it away, said "Turn the card over."

"NOOOOO! The Easter Bunny hates me! He made me run back and forth for over an hour, and all he left me was a bunny turd!"

"Honey, it's okay. Just turn the card over."

It took some convincing, but my mom finally got my sister to turn the card over. On the back was written "Now go do the laundry."


My mom hugged my sister, trying to calm her down, then said "Honey, do what the Easter Bunny says."


So my mom took my sister's hand and led her to the laundry room. Liza, still bawling, needed a lot of convincing to lift the lid of the washing machine, but her tune quickly changed.


Yep. My mom had hidden her radio in the empty washing machine. However, she did not play that particular game with us on any other Easter. And I know what Mom's getting for Christmas this year!

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Oh, Hank and John Green. They bring much education and joy into my home. And while I'm a huge fan of John, I definitely favor Hank.

Last night, I had a dream that Hank and John Green were my brothers. One dream night, we went out for dream dinner with my real-life sister (who I'll call Liza) and her real-life husband (who I'll call Clark), as well as a few other people. At dream dinner, Liza picked some sort of fight with me. I don't remember about what, but I remember it was really hurtful and awful. Then she threw something at me, which led to me screaming angrily. This led to all of the other women at the table telling me I was a horrible, insane bitch. So I got up and left. 

Sitting in my dream car, I got a dream text from dream brother Hank, telling me dream our sister had left and that he wanted me to come back. So I returned to dream restaurant, where Hank was waiting for me by the door. Just inside the door, dream Hank gave me the warmest, most loving hug I've ever dream experienced, and walked me back to the table. Sitting with my dream brothers, much happiness and fun was had.

In reality, I woke up warm and cozy in the loving arms of Le Boyfriend, who was wide awake and had likely been watching some Vlog Brothers while I was sleeping. I could make some speculation about how, even though Le Boyfriend is incredible and I love him dearly, I feel rather lonely and abandoned. I moved 45 minutes away two years ago, and most of my "closest friends" have never bothered to come down and visit. I had ankle surgery about two weeks ago and expressed repeatedly beforehand that I was going to be lonely and wanting company, yet very few people from "home" have come to see me, and literally none of the friends I've made much closer to my new home have come over. My sister hasn't so much as called me. So it would be easy to speculate that this dream was forged in loneliness, because no matter how awesome my boyfriend and his family and friends are, no matter how much I love them, I want the people I care about to care about me too. The dream fight? Anger that those people give no indication that they do care. The being dream-shunned? The guilt of not feeling Le Boyfriend is enough. Hank Green being my dream brother? He amuses me and I think we would have fun conversations. John Green being my other dream brother? Same reason. 

However, I think the simple explanation is I watch too many Hank Green videos, was thrashing in my sleep a bit, and the boyfriend hugged and comforted me in my sleep. Either way, I enjoyed waking up in his arms. Now, enjoy this link to a video of Hank Green talking about the psychology of dreams in a Crash Course video.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Randym Cyrcumstance Has an Album!

As many of you know from my geeking out over Leigh Whannell, I will promote the stuffings out of artists that I like for no benefit to myself. This is one of those times!

Two funny men with incredible voices make up the not-always-family-friendly band Randym Cyrcumstance. They perform a great range of music. They met working the Renaissance Festival circuit, and some of their songs are Ren Fest based. Others are just straight comedy. Some are beautiful, deep original creations. Some are beautiful covers. They really dig Simon and Garfunkel. :-) Anyway, check them out. It'll be $10 well spent, I promise.