Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Think I'll Stick to Diphenhydramine...

A while back, DrugStore USA had a sale on a specific type of Melatonin. Basically, the store gave me $1.00 to buy this. I'd been hearing good things about melatonin since high school, when my then boyfriend's dad swore by it. So I bought it but was always afraid to try it. I didn't want to try it for a pre-work sleep, and I didn't want to try it while I was alone. So, le boyfriend slept over the other day, when I didn't have to work. Awesome. Time to try melatonin.

This was also the day several people called in sick to work, half with a stomach virus, half with sinus infections. I'm pretty sure this is relevant. Also, I have chronic headaches, for which I take a decongestant on a regular basis since they cause some massive sinus pain.

First off: this liquid melatonin, with its "great berry taste!" tasted horrible. Has everybody watched "Doctor Who"? When Eleven has regenerated and crashed into Amelia Pond's yard and is asking for food and hates everything? Throws a bowl of baked beans, screaming "Bad beans!" That's how gross this stuff was. Carving a scary face into this liquid somehow would not have even made it worth taking.

So, I take the melatonin and crawl into bed with le boyfriend, and fall to sleep. Whoo-hoo! And then I have one of the grosser dreams I've had, though not scary.

In the dream, I'm in bed with a massive headache. Really bad, in between my eyes. So, still in the dream, I get up and go to the bathroom for some Sudafed. I get there but instead of opening the medicine cabinet, I just look in the mirror. And poke at my sinuses. I press the sinus cavities underneath my eyes, and my fingers plunge right through my skin, into the sinus cavities. As I pull my fingers back out of my sinuses, all of the skin comes off my face. Then the muscles and tendons and ligaments all melt away, just from the front of my face. I still have some cheeks and I definitely have the skin, etc., on the back of my head. But the front of my face is down to the bone. And there's bright green mucus bubbling down from the sinus cavity above my eyes, glorping down into the cavity beneath my eyes.

I woke up and took some Sudafed. Then crawled back into bed with le boyfriend and hid my face.

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