Sunday, December 22, 2013


About two years ago, I moved to take an assistant manager job at a horrible store in an obnoxious mall. I no longer work for that company, thank Science. When I went to my interview in the last week of September, the first thing I saw was the giant Halloween store. That was exciting for me.

I started that job, which I regard as one of the top mistakes in my life, October 2. To get from the parking lot to the store, I had to go through this catacomb-y employee entrance.

During the early days at this horrible job, I dreamed that I was driving to work and heard an announcement on the radio: Robert Englund was at that moment doing an interview in the town I worked in! As more details were revealed, I learned he was not only in town, but he was participating in a live broadcast from the Halloween store at my mall! So I sped to work, parked, and ran through the catacombs. And got lost. Really, really lost. Couldn't find my way back to work. Couldn't find the Halloween store. But I did find Robert Englund, also wandering through the catacombs. We talked about the best way to prepare sweet potatoes.  I never made it to work.

I think my subconscious was telling me that I should have run from that job as fast as I could. A dream about meeting Robert Englund in the catacombs could have taken a vastly different turn. He could have become Freddy Krueger and killed me, or at least chased me. But no. It was just really disappointing, dull, and a huge waste of time that got me lost. In retrospect, exactly how I feel about that job. Disappointing? Check. Dull? Check. Huge waste of time? Check fucking plus. Got me lost, emotionally and career-wise? So far off track from what I wanted to be doing and needed to be doing? Checkity check check.

This is in no way meant to be a commentary on Robert Englund. I'm sure he's an awesome person; he just happened to be the person in the dream.

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