Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Work Might Stress Me Out a Bit...

I had a dream the other night that has led me to believe work is stressing me out a bit. In fact, I had this dream the night before I decided I needed to start taking medication for anxiety (which, btw, is causing me to have severe chest pain which, in turn, is failing to mitigate my anxiety).

My childhood best friend now lives approximately 650 miles from me. We're still in touch, but not super close because, y'know, life. I dreamt that he was getting married! Hooray! So I scheduled a weekend off to drive to his wedding. In the dream, I left home on Friday to drive to the wedding. In transit, I received a phone call, asking me to work Saturday. Because Dream Me is a stupid chump, Dream Me agreed. Drove the rest of the way to Hammy's, attended his bachelor party, then turned around and drove back home to work Saturday morning. Worked my shift, then turned around and drove BACK to Hammy's Saturday night for the wedding Sunday morning. Wedding, turned around, and drove back home to work Monday.

Sadly, when I woke up, my first thought wasn't one of dismay. It was "Oooh, I liked Dream Hammy's fiance!"

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