Sunday, December 22, 2013

Who Needs Sleep?

It's 6:35 a.m. Many people in my building are waking up and getting ready for their commutes. I, however, have just finished watching "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and am feeling glad my "day" job is actually a night job.
I don't remember ever sleeping well at night. I think I've always been broken like this. Maybe I just really want to be a cat. But as this thought occurs to me, I turn and see my cat is curled up on the back of the couch behind me, sound asleep. Blarg. I'm more nocturnal than the cat.
Watching "Nightmare on Elm Street" tonight, I remembered a lot about my childhood. I had forgotten how much I loved that movie as a kid. For instance, back when I thought I was going to be some bigshot fiction novelist, I frequently named my female characters Nancy. I also frequently named my heroic male characters Victor. My sister had a baby this year. She named him David Victor. So, thanks for that, sis. Now it's awkward if I ever start writing fiction again and name my protagonist Victor. Oh, well. I'll be calling him Dave-Vic (Davic) until it sticks. One thing I'd forgotten about was that the first victim in "Nightmare" was named Christina, but preferred to be called Tina. Quite similar to the protagonist/narrator of the piece of work I once considered my crowning achievement.
Mostly, watching this movie tonight got me thinking about some interesting dreams I've had. I've recently started taking Zoloft, which I think might be causing some of my weirder dreams of late. So my first few entries of babbling will be babbling about dreams.

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