Saturday, March 29, 2014

My Dog Can't Read Your Stupid Sign, You Idiot

I spent the vast majority of my time in high school with my two best friends, Jocelyn and Karl. We had a great many stories, each more hilarious than the last. The following is one of my favorites.

The three of us were sitting in my car in Karl's parents' driveway. Jocelyn looked over and saw a sign, spray-painted on a piece of scrap wood. It's been about 12 years so I don't remember exactly what the sign said. But Jocelyn read it out loud and it was something in the vein of:

"Dear Idiots,
"My dog can't read your stupid sign, you morons. You're a waste of space and that's a waste of a sign. Screw you!"

Jocelyn looked confused, and asked, "My God. What does your sign say to illicit such an angry response?"

Karl sighed, rolled his eyes, and replied flatly "Keep off the grass."

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